
Four month check-up
Micah is now 14 lbs. 5oz. and 26.5 inches
Micah's weight is right in the middle, and he is in the 95th percentile for height! The doctor said he is "tall and thin" Afterwards we stopped and bought more produce at a farm market right near our place. I stop there twice a week. Must be all the vegetables I'm eating! :)
Micah was very fussy all day yesterday and showed all the classic signs of teething. I was at wit's end and called Dean at work to tell him I would need a break. All my normal tricks and distractions weren't working. Dean (bless his heart!) took him for a walk for an hour, so I attended one of my FAA phone meetings and took a bubble bath. After that I went to sit outside on the patio. I had just settled in and was enjoying the peace, and then I heard the familiar sounds of a screaming baby. Dean came into view, pushing the stroller. He was plodding along, head down, Micah screaming to the hilt. I could hear him all the way across the lawn and the carpart from our 2nd floor apartment.
I am so glad Dean gave me that break. It helped me cope with the rest of the night. Amazingly, Micah went to bed and slept all night. It was like someone hit the reset button. Today he has been much better and he was awesome for our trip to the doctor. Yesterday he wouldn't nap very long, but today he has had a couple of nice long naps. Ahhhh the peace! :)

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